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Responsible Security Disclosure Policy

Working with the Cyber Security Research Community to improve our online security


Ocean Bottle Ltd. (OB) is committed to protecting our customers, partners, employees, stakeholders and our wider company. We welcome the opportunity to work with well-intentioned and ethical Cyber Security Researchers to identify and thoroughly investigate and resolve all security issues in our Platforms, Systems or Services, to ensure the protection of the Information and Data entrusted to us.

This policy defines the method and rules of engagement by which OB can work with the Cyber Security Research Community to improve our online security.

Bug Bounty

Currently, we do not offer a paid bug bounty programme. We will, however, welcome feedback from well-intentioned and ethical Cyber Security Researchers who take the time and effort to investigate and report security issues in our Platforms and Services under this policy.


This policy applies only to OB products and services that have a security.txt file in their root. Subdomains are considered in the scope provided their parent domain is in scope. (i.e. The existence of: https://oceanbottle.co/security.txt means that shop.oceanbottle.co and www.oceanbottle.co are also in scope.)

This policy applies only to original vulnerabilities, previously unreported by an external party and not already discovered by internal vulnerability assessment and other procedures.

The following security issues are not in scope; please don’t report them:

Responsible Security Disclosure Policy

Cyber Security Researchers shall investigate security issues in OB Platforms and Services only following the requirements set out in this policy. Such research into OB Platforms and Services that does not comply with this policy may be considered malicious activity towards OB and legal action may be taken as necessary.

Anyone investigating security issues in OB Platforms and Services shall investigate security issues in OB Platforms and Services in accordance with the following principles and requirements:

Anyone investigating security issues in OB Platforms, Systems or Services shall not:

Anyone investigating security issues in OB Platforms, Systems or Services shall:

Reporting a Security Issue

If you have discovered a Cyber Security Issue which you believe falls within the scope of this policy, please email responsible.disclosure@oceanbottle.co with the following information:

What to expect

We will aim to respond to your email within 24 hours. Our initial response will include a ticket reference number, which you can quote in any further communications with our Security Team.

Our Security Team will assess the reported vulnerability. They will contact you to verify whether or not the reported vulnerability falls within the scope of this policy and to ask for any additional information as required.

Remediation work will be assigned to the appropriate teams and/or supplier(s) and will be prioritized based on the severity of impact on OB and the likelihood of exploitation.

You are welcome to enquire about the status of the process, but please limit this to no more than once every 14 days. Our Security Team will notify you when the reported vulnerability has been remediated and will ask you to confirm that the solution is adequate.

We will then ask for your feedback on OB’s engagement and vulnerability resolution approach. Your feedback will remain strictly confidential and will only be used to help us improve our engagement, vulnerability resolution approach and, in turn, the security of OB’s Platforms, Systems and Services.


This policy is designed to be compatible with common good practice among well-intentioned and ethical Cyber Security Researchers. It does not give you permission to act in any manner that is inconsistent with legal and regulatory compliance or cause OB to be in breach of any of its legal and regulatory obligations, including but not limited to:

This document provides requirements and recommendations to vendors on the disclosure of vulnerabilities in products and services. Vulnerability disclosure enables users to perform technical vulnerability management as specified in ISO/IEC 27002:2013, 12.6.1[1]. Vulnerability disclosure helps users protect their systems and data, prioritise defensive investments, and better assess risk. The goal of vulnerability disclosure is to reduce the risk associated with exploiting vulnerabilities. Coordinated vulnerability disclosure is especially important when multiple vendors are affected. This document provides:

Other related activities that take place between receiving and disclosing vulnerability reports are described in ISO/IEC 30111.
